Where Do Pants Go? #RaisingAReader

Having a little one around means we have some silly times these days.  I know good and well that our house isn't the only one out there that has moments of silliness.  I have been known to see daddy (or big brother putting shoes on their hands or Savannah's tutu on her head.  It makes us all laugh and we say "no, that is not where that goes!"  Come on, admit it.. You have done it before too!  Well, the latest book for Savannah that we received does just that. 


FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Where Do Pants Go is a cute book that follows many different kids getting dressed.  No, your pants don't go on your arms!  Silly goose, your jacket doesn't go on the dog!   It follows the kids getting dressed from their underwear to their jacket (no worries, no pictures of little naked kids running around!) As you turn the page, you get to see the little ones trying to get dressed on their own and you help them to put it on the right place.  I can't tell you how it ends, but it is super cute and I know Savannah will love us all reading it to her, time and time again!  
This would be a fun book to give a little on to let them learn more about independence, you know they like to dress themselves!  Perfect to go under the tree this year!

Go ahead, tell me now... you have acted silly with your little ones before, right?


  1. You're right, we've all done that! I remember a game where you fill up a trunk with old clothes, pocketbooks, etc., then you each take a turn you put on (over your regular clothes) the first several items that come out of the trunk - socks on your ears, you name it! This sounds like a fun book especially for kids learning how to dress themselves.

  2. Travis used to put the kid's clean undies on their heads like a hat. It looked so silly.

  3. My son is 9 and he put his shorts on my head the other day thinking it was hysterical. Some things you just never outgrow, I guess. ;) The book sounds cute. :)

  4. Underwear is ALWAYS funny, no matter WHERE it goes! :-) That's exactly where this book came from-- getting my then-toddler dressed each morning.
    Thanks for the great review, Noelle!


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