Blogger Challenge Day 21

Day 21 — Something you know you do differently than most people

Do you really want to know?

I guess one thing is I sit "Indian Style" different than most...
I do not sit with my legs criss crossed, I sit with them one on top of the other...
More like a yoga pose, I would say...
Not sure why, but always have...

I have another one, but I just can not share it...
LOL, if you really really know me...
You know what it is...

Side note...
My dad says they days of the week differently ...
LOL, like:
MonDAY - he says MonDEE
TuesDAy - TuesDEE

Ha ha!
Ask him a day and he says it right, using it in a sentence, he says it wrong!
Gotta love him!


  1. I'm so out of blogging right now - I need to catch up.

    I love random facts about people - they are so fun!

  2. That's cute :)

    Some people can't sit cross legged or yoga style...I always thought that was interesting.

  3. I sit the exact same way, not quite sure why, didn't notice til a kid in my scout troop mentioned it was weird and that they couldn't do it. Hooray for being different :)

  4. My Weesie (grandma) used to pronounce the days of the week like that, too! Must be a GA thing!

  5. I tie my shoes backwards... You know how when you teach kids to tie their shoes you are facing them, well that is the way I learned from the backwards way (if that makes any sense) and I tie the bow that way, instead of over, it is under. I never noticed it until in high school, someone pointed it out to me.


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