Free Spirit Publishing

Remember when I posted a review about Free Spirit Publishing and the book 26 BIG Things Small Hands Do?
Well, today, I would like to tell you about two more of their books...
(From the Toddler Tools Series)
The first I would like to share with you is Bedtime By Elizabeth Verdick.

This book is great for us as it shows that other kids have a routine for bedtime as well.
I have enjoyed reading this to Broxton before he goes to bed...
We see that other kids also get their bath, brush their teeth, enjoy stories and slowly relax to go to sleep.
The best phrase to me in this book is, " I do my best growing when I am sleeping."
I constantly tell Broxton he needs to get his rest so he can feel good and grow big and strong like daddy. :)
Broxton also brings this book over to me to have me read it to him during the day. I tell him we are reading it so that he knows what is going to happen at bedtime!

The other book that we have been reading is Calm Down Time by Elizabeth Verdick.

I really like this book as I think it will be a big help when he is able to read the words...
This one helps to address the different emotions that everyone faces...
Mad or sad... sometimes you just need a hug to feel better.
It helps to teach ways to calm down and relax, avoiding a temper tantrum.
( I know that they say they are the terrible two's, but I have seen kids of all ages get fussy, I think that this would help children, as well as parents, remember to calm down and relax. )
Calm Down helps to let you know to stop and calm down, cry if you need to ... get a hug if that helps... breathe and then you will feel better!

I think that this might be a good book to have in doctors offices, not because of temper tantrums, but because while they are waiting, they could read this to learn what to do when they do get upset.

I like all of the Toddler Tools Series and I think I will need to get the other ones...
They also have Manners Time, Sharing Time, Clean Up Time, Bye Bye Time, Naptime and Listening Time...

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. These sound awesome. We need some work on calming down at my house.

  2. Sounds like a great set of books for Broxton, enjoy.


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