Frito Lay fills your tummy!!! (Frito Lay Review)

How often do you have chips in your house?
Some have them all the time and others have them for different parties.
With Halloween coming up soon... and then Christmas is not to far after that...
I am sure that you will either have a party or go to a party...
So, make sure you stock up!
What a good snack food... and such a variety!

I have to be honest here...
I did not realize that the Frito Lay Brand covered such an array of different items.
(I thought that they were just chips)
I found out that Frito Lay has cookies and peanuts/cashews just to name a few!

We received the Tostito's chips. These are great because you can use them with all different types of dips, or just eat them by themselves!
We also received the Lays Lightly Salted Chips. Marc and Broxton have been working on those. I guess they are pretty good, because I have not heard any complaints from them! :)

Now, the fun one!

We also received the Sun Chips in the 100% Compostable Packaging!
This is a catch 22.
The snack is great! Love Sun Chips! Always have and it makes me feel like I am at least trying to be healthier in my snack options...
But, the bag is LOUD!
Not just a little sound, but a full on LOUD!!!!
I like it because this way you can hear who is trying to "sneak" a snack... BUSTED!!!!
But, I do not like it when I am the one doing the sneaking! :)

Besides the bags of chips, I was also sent a cute reusable Frito Lay bag... and an awesome water bottle! Add to it a chip clip, plenty of Frito Lay information and a coupon for yet another bag of chips! Talk about a great win!
Glad to know when we do have chips, (family reunions, parties, the options are endless!) we have Frito Lay!!!! Just might not have always known it! :)

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I love the traditional Fritos with chili. I need to make that this week.

  2. Yes, them bags are loud, but healthy loud :)
    I sneak chocolate and those bags are so silent so I don't mind the kids getting away with that one :) or trying to!

  3. It is the loudest bag ever. I've been trying to compost it but it's not exactly decomposing for me.

  4. My son loves the Cheddar Sun Chips more than any other snack ever!


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