Muscle Jel - Review

I reviewed Un-Burn in the past and I can not stop singing its praises...
So, when I was contacted about reviewing Muscle Jel (they also make UnBurn) I was excited!
If it was half as good as UnBurn, we were going to be in heaven.

Well, it came and I was rather surprised that it was a spray bottle with liquid.
It was a watery solution, not a gel at all!
The smell was very mentholy, so in my mind...
The stronger the better!

Marc had been talking about his legs bothering him, so I sprayed the Muscle Jel on him and worked on rubbing it in his legs for him.
The smell was very strong, but it did die down.
Now, I do not know if it just faded, or if I got used to it, but it did not hang around too long.
I kept asking him how it felt and he kept saying to wait...
I eventually gave up, but eventually asked later on.
He said that he was still sore...
I am thinking that the "growing pains" are finally catching up to him...

What I do like about the Muscle Jel is that it comes in several forms..
From the spray on that we tried... they also offer a "glide on" (like a deodorant) as well a big bottle in a pump form (like a lotion) and they also offer individual packets.

I personally have this in our cabinet for the next time I wake up with a stiff neck...
I have not tried it yet, but I hope I have better results than Marc did!

So, if you wake up and are a bit stiff/tired...
You might want to give it a try too!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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