Like Salmon? You will LOVE Organic Bistro!

I love Salmon.
Bottom line. Always have, think I always will!
I was so excited that I was going to be able to try the Organic Bistro "Wild Alaskan Salmon with Pesto." I was sent a coupon to pick it up at the local store for review... I went to Publix and I could not find it!!!! I did finally find the "Wild Alaskan Salmon with Broccoli and Rice." I was not sure when the other would be there, so I just went ahead and tried this kind, as I was not familiar with the Organic Bistro Brand.

It was wonderful! I was impressed first of all with the packaging. It had a wrapper around the dish, I took it to be that way to help with steaming the food.

As soon as it was cooked, I was ready to dig in!
I did not need any form of seasoning, as it was done perfect.
Broxton noticed the broccoli and headed over to help me eat it...
I was able to try one and the taste was great.
The meal says it had a Rosemary Orange Glaze on the Salmon.
I noticed that the broccoli had a bit of a citrus flavor, but nothing overwhelming.
Broxton and I enjoyed it.
I will be honest and say that I was not a huge fan of the rice pilaf.
It might have to do with the fact that I am not a fan of cranberry or wild rice.
I did eat it though, so it wasn't that bad! :) Just not my favorite.
Bottom line, I will for sure be on the look out for their other flavors...
Specifically the Salmon with Pesto and the Salmon Cake...
I do want to try the Chicken Citron though...

If you are familiar with Organic Bistro, were you aware that there was a "sister brand?"
Helen's Kitchen is the sister company and I was able to review for them as well.
I was eager to try them as well and I wanted to try the Mac and Cheese for Broxton and the Veggie Fajita Bowl for me.
Unfortunately for us, we could not find it at our local Publix...
No worries, I will be looking...
I will let you know if I find them!!!!

You can follow both Organic Bistro and Helen's Kitchen on Facebook.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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