When the Weather Outside is Frightful.... Part One

Last year's weather had Atlanta shut down for a few days...
People made fun of how Atlanta did not know how to function with a bit of snow and ice...
That was not the case at all...
We as the residents couldn't do anything, as the city was not prepared.
It was actually quite scary.
Marc had to go to work, although the mayor said do not get on the roads UNLESS YOU HAD TO.
Cars were sliding everywhere...
Cars were actually abandoned on the sides of the roads.

Triple AAA and other companies could not get to help people as the roads were ridiculous.
I am PRAYING that we don't have that happen again.
It was kind of spooky.
That being said, we will be more prepared this year than in the past...

I will make sure that we have a manual can opener.
(We had one, it broke last year.)
We will have food staples, batteries and candles in reserve.
We will have blankets in our car.
We will have medicine!

I bet you were wondering where I was going with this.
With the weather change... and having the boys here over break, we manage to have someone sick at some point... That sends us out to the store looking for what we need to make everyone "all better."
Not this year!
We will be stocked and ready!

First Up:
We were sent Maty's All Natural Cough Syrup.
Lucky for us, Broxton isn't sick, but he saw this and was very intrigued.
He wanted to know what the Teddy Bear was doing.
I explained it was medicine in case he got sick. After that, he was a "doctor" all night making sure we did not need any medicine!
I love that they went in a totally different direction with the flavor: Caramel Banana Taste!
I have never seen a medicine that flavor before, lets just hope it tastes as great as it sounds!
I also like that it is for ages 1 and older. That is one problem I always had... Most medicines were always for ages 2 and older, in some cases 4/6 and older...

From their site:
This doctor recommended syrup has a great caramel, banana taste your child will look forward to taking. It includes real antioxidant rich buckwheat honey ** and nine of Mother Nature’s most powerful immune and support ingredients. Unlike traditional over-the-counter cold medicines and homeopathic remedies, this product is food based; there are no harmful side effects. You can have peace of mind as your little one enjoys a peaceful night’s sleep!**

Up next:
Cold-EEZE Cold Remedy Spray.
I personally like to pop a throat lozenge in my mouth from time to time.
It brings relief and I am happy...
I keep throat lozenges around for me...
BUT, Marc hates them.
I tried to get him to take one last year and seems like he would rather stay feeling bad than take it... We will see how the spray works, as it is basically a replacement for the lozenge.
The Cold-EEZE Spray comes in either Mint or Cherry Flavor.

From their site:
Take Cold-EEZE® at the very first sign of a cold. Our proprietary zinc gluconate formula releases zinc ions to fight your cold virus. This process not only helps decrease the severity of the cold but shortens the length of time you are sick.

Go ahead and stock your medicine cabinet now...
You never know when a nasty bug is going to strike your household!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Cold-Eeze works. Just sayin'. I hope the ATL is taken down this year. The South is crazy!


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