Stop the Sniffles with @SniffleBuddies

Yesterday, we had Broxton out running around and playing at the park.
Yes, it was a bit cool, but it isn't like we are just going to stay indoors 24-7 once the sun isn't beating down on us...
Then, I noticed he had a runny nose.
I asked a friend if she happened to have any tissue in her purse, of course not...
I went out to our car and grabbed a napkin.

Then, it reminded me...
The Sniffle Buddy!
We need to start using it.

The sniffle buddy is really a smart idea!
It is a "bracelet" of sorts...
You just put it on your child... Then, when they have the sniffles, they just wipe it on their bracelet.
No longer do you need to chase after them to try and wipe their nose.
Think about it, most kids (that I see) just use their shirt... this is cleaner!
You can also buy more than one..
That way, you can have one on and one in the wash!

I think they are too cute, because of the label.
It has a tag that says "I'm _____________ 's buddy."
Just put their name on it and no worrying about someone else using it!

So, now that the temps are dropping...
Noses are running...
Sniffle Buddies are out and being used!!!!
They come in a few different colors and also in more than one size.

I never thought about it...
But, their site points out that it would be great for those with special needs to help in tending to the drool.... also, for skiers to wipe instead of having to take their gloves off and everything (you can buy larger ones to go OVER your coat!)

You can follow Sniffle Buddies on Twitter and Facebook.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Thanks SO much for the post Noelle!!! I REALLY appreciate your help in spreading the word :)! Your fans can use the code "4thfree" coupon code at to get 25% off any size order. Happy Holidays! With gratitude, Kelly :)

  2. This is a good idea. I actually need a sniffle buddy for myself. Beats using my gloves or whatever else is handy when I'm driving and don't have any tissues.


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