Did You Watch You Can Count On Me? The Follow Up Film Is Out July 10: Margaret

***** This post has been edited, as of 7:56 pm on June 18, 2012. *****

I am so confused... 
That is the only way that I can even think to start this post...
This past weekend, I was so excited to have a couple movies lined up for us to watch...
(Reviews are coming, no worries...)

First Movie to watch... Margaret... 
I hate to have to break this to you, but I thought it was pretty awful.
I was so excited, as the cast was awesome... 
Anna Paquin, Matt Damon, Mark Ruffalo, Mathew Broderick...

Let me clarify something first...
It is a follow up to a movie called YOU CAN COUNT ON ME.  
(I have not seen that, so maybe that was why I was not a fan of this movie...)
But, let me tell you my thoughts on this movie...

First of all, I can not figure out why the movie is called Margaret.  
As far as I can remember, there was not a character named Margaret in the whole movie...
Second of all, I just can not figure out any of the movie...
It just made no sense to me...

BUT... and a BIG BUT here... 
Like all in your face BUT...   
I now think I need to go back and watch the first movie, as I have tons of questions now...
Ha ha ha... 
Guess this wasn't that great of a review, huh?

Let me break it down a bit easier for you:

Here is the Synopsis: 
From Academy Award® nominated* writer/director Kenneth Lonergan (You Can Count On Me) comes a stirring drama Rolling Stone calls “a film of rare beauty and shocking gravity.” Anna Paquin, Matt Damon and Mark Ruffalo lead a celebrated cast in the story of a Manhattan teenager whose life is profoundly altered after witnessing a terrible accident. Experience an emotional teen’s extraordinary journey to set things right as her innocent ideals come crashing against the harsh realities of the adult world. It’s an “extraordinarily ambitious film,” raves Time Magazine.

As an FYI:  Just a warning, plenty of cursing... 
Now, if I end up watching this other one and figuring anything out, I will for sure let you know...

Have you seen YOU CAN COUNT ON ME or MARGARET?  What are your thoughts?

***** I have learned from a reader that the two movies do not go together.  As I said, I have not seen the other movie, so reading the post online, I took it to be a "follow up movie" (more as a sequel) when it seems that it is just the next movie from the director/writer.   Either way, I am still confused and just lost...   I would love to get input from others that have seen the movie(s). *****

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I don't know where you got that it's a follow up... The only way it is relevant is that it's made by the same writer/director. Not tied together in any other way. You should watch them before you say it.

  2. Louisa~
    Thank you so much for stopping over...
    I said that it was a follow up because I read:
    Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment today announced that MARGARET, the long awaited follow up to two-time Academy Award® nominee Kenneth Lonergan’s critically acclaimed debut feature You Can Count on Me, will release on Blu-ray combo pack July 10.

    Thanks for saying that they are not tied together at all, as I was wondering if I needed to see it. Glad to know it is totally different... I did watch the movie, Margaret...

  3. I think that just means like a follow up project. NBD. Thx.


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