Together, Growing Appetites for God Book Review

"If you struggle as a parent to read the Bible yourself, how can you pass a love for God's word along to your children?"  
Wow... talk about a way to grab your attention and never let it go..

I read that sentence on the back of the book, Together Growing Appetites for God, and I knew it was one that needed to be read by me.

I am only just starting it, but already... it is hitting home.

In this book, the mom is trying to read the Bible to her 3 preschool children.  
She is reading (and stopping to answer questions of no relation to what is being read, as well as making food and everything else you can think of...) and wondering if she is just reading this out loud to herself...

Then, she SEES it...

No, she isn't reading it out loud only to herself... 
She is also reading to her little ones, as she sees them reenacting what they had just heard...

Here is the synopsis that I was sent: 
Overwhelmed and discouraged with her own lack of personal devotion to God’s word, and with four small children requiring her attention, Carrie Ward knew something had to change.  So, armed with a much-prayed-over plan, Carrie decided to read the entire Bible with her children—infant through preschool age—and began reading one chapter out loud over breakfast each morning.  Within a matter of weeks she began to see a transformation in her family as Scripture guided their lives in a new way.  Together: Growing Appetites for God, is part personal story and part practical guide for other moms also desiring to impart biblical truths to their little ones.  In Together, Ward speaks from her perspective as an everyday mama who learned to lead her children through the Bible, and how they grew to love it.

Doesn't it sound like a great book?

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. That is so sweet, and I see why you were drawn to it. :)


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