I Love Being a Stay At Home Mom @chickensoupsoul #giveaway

I never thought I would have the opportunity to be a stay at home mom...
I have worked since I was 15, so I just did not see that as an option..
Then, we were able to let me do so and here I am...
I love it so much.  It is a job, just one that is not paid with monetary amounts..
But, the kisses, memories and experience I get while having the best job in my opinion is one that I would not trade for anything in the world...

Now, I am not judging.
Some do not have the opportunity, some just do not want to... 

To each their own, but for me... It is right...

Being a stay at home mom is wonderful and I am happy to see that Chicken Soup for the Soul has decided to do a book of 101 stories for Mothers about Hard Work and Happy Families.

The chapters include: 
Decisions, Decisions

The Daily Grind
Outside the Box
Becoming a Specialist
Working from Home
Ladies Who Launch
Gender Benders
The Dividends
Pink Slips
Looking Back

I have enjoyed flipping through reading different stories in here.

This book isn't just from the view of a Stay at Home Mom, there are also Stay at Home Dads, as well as the stories from kids and the spouse that works outside the home.  
If you love great stories of true love, you should check this book out!  

I will leave you with this quote: 
"There's no such thing as calling in sick on mommyhood." ~ Cokie Roberts

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have read a couple and I enjoy them.


  2. I have never read the books but I am a stay at home mom and readiung about other moms always btightens my day

  3. I have read several and I really enjoy them.


  4. I have never read any of them.

  5. nope not yet - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  6. I have bought 5 of them, and seriously have every intention of reading them. As soon as I can get some me time that does not include kids pounding on the bathroom door.


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