Looking for Branding? Look Into RGU Group

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Looking for a great personalized souvenir?  Maybe you own a business?  Maybe you want to buy these for a big event?  Well, when I was at Americas Mart, I learned of a pretty awesome company..
The RGU Group!  They make bulk items for companies.  (Think of like the animals from companies with their logo... Yes, this is them.. but the product isn't some cheap filler item!  It is a good quality product that you would buy individually in a store.)

Broxton now has a teddy bear that he absolutely LOVES...   It says I (heart) RGU!
I was rather impressed with the options...
They have several plush items, Broxtons teddy is from their ZOOVENIR line.
They also have a selection including alligators, frogs, lions, penguins, puppies and so much more!!!
The great thing is that once you make the hard decision of what animal you want to use, then you have 10 color options for the shirt!!!!  

RGU group makes more than just stuffed animals.  (Although they are so cute and cuddly!)
They also make itty bitty tees!
Want to know what is so awesome about that?
The can make the itty bitty tee to match the shirt that the animal is wearing in the zoovenir line!
How absolutely AWESOME is that?!

I am not sure how many you have to order, but this might be a great item to think about for your company... Or if you have a kid in a big school, maybe they could work about ordering these for the school?
Just an idea!
I just know that Broxton absolutely loves his teddy and he is actually in the car for road trips right now!!!


  1. I do love the matching tees. I used to make my older two boys matching jammies for them and their teddies. :)


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