A Simple Idea to Empower Kids

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As a parent, do you question that you are doing the right thing all the time?  I know that I do many times... even multiple times per day... I know that I tell him I love him a MILLION times a day and there is no question in that... but I want him to have FAITH in HIMSELF.   BELIEF to know who he is and to be strong in his understanding that he is so very special... I was sent the book, A Simple Idea to Empower Kids by Kathleen Boucher and I really loved the messages throughout all of the pages!
This is a soft cover book that features bright illustrations on one page and then text on the other...  I think that this is a great book that should be in ALL libraries.  Although it is geared for ages 3-12, I know that people of all ages might need a bit of encouragement and might need to hear these words to remember they too are special!  

From the KSB Website:

Parents worry from the time their child is born and throughout his or her life, hoping they are doing all they can to empower their children and to nurture strong self-esteem. 

Like every parent, Kathleen Boucher wanted her children to be happy and confident. For over twenty years she has been successful in teaching her children to follow three key principles: the powers of love, choice and belief. Wanting to share her "simple" approach, Boucher offers these basic, powerful ideas in A Simple Idea to Empower Kids for others to use with their children or grandchildren. 

The book begins with
"Stop for a minute and listen.
Do you hear that?
It is your heart beating.
It is filled with love.
Love is the greatest force on Earth."

It continues...
"Can you keep a secret?
Promise me you won't tell?
From the beginning of time until the end of time there will only be one of you on Earth.
Only one!
This means you are very special exactly as you are right now."

Touching on topics like the laws of attraction, how to overcome bullying, and increasing self-confidence, the lessons the books impart are universally applicable to children--no matter where they come from, or what their station in life. 

Children have a lot of pressure in todays' world to be the best they can be. Imagine if we could instill in our children's minds how unique and how perfect they are exactly as they are? What if we could have them spend a few minutes a minutes each day reading or being read to so that they end up with greater confidence, being inspired to follow their dreams regardless of what they look like on the outside or where they live. 
In A Simple Idea to Empower Kids, children are taught the power of love, choice and belief so that they can learn to be, do and have whatever they can imagine. 

"It's a manual for achieving your dreams," says Boucher. "It starts from the inside, and that's what I want to show kids--they have all of the power they need already. They just need to find it." 

Children will enjoy the rhythm of the story and the vibrant illustrations, and will gently absorb the hidden messages that can empower them. They will want to share this story with their friends. What is wonderful about this story is not only what it can do for any child but also the messages that will rub off on the parents, grandparents, teachers, Sunday school teachers, librarians and caregivers who read it! 

"My goal," Boucher shares, "has always been to do something that brought value to the entire world. John F. Kennedy had the right idea when he said 'Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.' Let us empower our kids to help them find their purpose and live their lives authentically doing something they love. Let us teach them early that they can do, be, or have anything they desire. The sky is the limit!"


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