Read Along With Disney and Frozen

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For the majority of the population, I am sure you have heard of the Disney Hit... Frozen.  You don't even have to have a kid to know this movie... When we were in the store, it was on the TV displays... When on facebook, you see all the you tube video's of people singing the different songs from the soundtrack....  So, there was no surprise when Disney Books started releasing books based on the popular movie!  

One book is the Junior Novelization: Frozen.  This book is geared for the age range of 8-12.  
I have not read this book, but I will say that it includes still images in the middle of the book from the movie, so you do get that... I have read mixed reviews on this book, so I am not really sure what to expect.  It is a bit of an older book for us, so I am not really sure if it will be read in our house.  

In the book, A Sister More Like Me, you see a totally different spin on the movie...  At least that was how I saw it... I thought it was going to be another summary of Frozen, but this shows how the girls lived their lives. I did like how the first page introduces us to each sister and it says when the writing is neat and purple it is Elsa talking.. when it is pink and crowded, you know that it is coming from Anna.   I loved the illustration, but I did think that it gives a totally different view at how childhood was for the two girls.  I do think that this is one that will allow sisters to see that although they may be totally different, they can still be the best of friends!  This is for ages 6-8.  

Do you have any Frozen Fans in your life?  


  1. Not huge fans, but he did like the movie!

  2. I liked the movie. I saw them doing a live show at Downtown Disney (with the songs of course) and kids of all ages (up into their 20s!!!) were singing and dancing...laughing up a storm. That's a very popular movie. :)


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