It is Official! @LTLFREELIBRARY Now at @hdatlanta

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I can proudly say that the Little Free Library is NOW up and going at our local Harley Davidson dealership!  This past weekend, they had their monthly KIDS DAY and in doing so, we incorporated the library dedication on the same day!  

If you are not familiar with the Little Free Library, you can read the posts I have done about it here, here and here.  While the weather was not the most inviting, we still had fun and I was happy to see a few kids heading out with a book from the newest library!

Kids Day started with an air mechanical bull---  Broxton was not a fan and then the rain started, so they had to turn it off and cover it up... But  -  they did have arts and crafts.... and free sno-cones!   How does anyone pass up a free sno-cone????

 We were lucky to have a couple kids there that were eager to help fill the library up with all the books that had been donated!   Even the manager from Harley Davidson came out to help fill the library up!  
 The last remaining books were added to the library by a couple new friends ! 
 Broxton has been SO PROUD of our library, so once all of the books were inside, he had to make sure it was just the way he thought it should be!  Of course, he had to be the one to finish it off and close the door!  
Our fully stocked LITTLE FREE LIBRARY!
Remember, if you are near Lithia Springs, make sure you stop by and grab a book or leave a book for another child to enjoy! ( 501 Thornton Rd )


  1. Great job! I know the kids will love having that available to them!

  2. I certainly would not pass up a free sno cone. And that one's patriotic too (just in time for the holiday ;) ). Did you see in the news where a community made a family take theirs (free library) down? How silly. -_-


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