Have One that Doesn't Want to go to School? #PrincessCupcakeJones Won't Go To School

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Around a year ago, we were sent a book to review... It was called Cupcake Jones and the Missing Tutu.  It was super cute, but not really a book for little boys to get into and enjoy.  After I posted the review, I learned that the illustrator had actually hidden the word LOVE into each picture...  That little bit of "extra" was enough to make us go back and read the book just to look for the hidden words!  When Cupcake Jones Won't Go To School showed up, I was so excited!  I was really hopeful that they had continued this extra feature and I was excited to read the book to Broxton, since school is still up in the air for us...   
He doesn't like it - since they can't play as much as he did in preschool.. but then he also loves it because he gets to see all of his friends.  It is a love-hate relationship and each day still provides a challenge as to if he will be excited or not! 
While I thought the first Cupcake Jones book was cute - this second book was one that was much more up our alley...  Most kids have mixed emotions about starting school, be it preschool, daycare, kindergarten and even some kids have issues as they get older...  It is always the whole starting something "new" - new teacher, classmates, school, schedule.... The "what -ifs" are usually always there! In Won't Go To School, she has an excuse ready to have her mom not make her go to school, but the Queen is always a step ahead...
I loved the thought process... 
Many times adults get to caught up and seem to forget what goes through a little ones head...  "What if I don't like school?  What if no one likes me?  Or my tutu's not cool?"
The best to me?  Reassurance from mom " Don't let fear stop you from doing something new."  
We have really enjoying this book and it is a great book to read as kids are adjusting to back to school!  Also, keep in mind that the author created this book since she seemed to have a hard time finding books for her daughter that had African American main characters!  This is a great book to have for so many reasons!  


  1. So far my boys have liked school. Knock on wood!

  2. My son starts soon and he's worried about lack of play time. ;) Oh the worries of a grammar school student. :) This book sounds like another winner!


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