Invited to the Monster Party? #ReadWatchGrow

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Sing song and rhyming... This book has it covered!  If you have ever had a kid invited to a birthday party, you will totally get this book...  The sentences are short and I could not help but to read it in a friendly Monster voice --- like a mix of Cookie Monster and a few margaritas.  (Let's be honest, I can not do impersonations at all, so that was why we had to make tequila part of the mix!)
The book starts with  : "Monster invited. Monster delighted. Monster squeals SO EXCITED!"
Each page shows the cute little monster getting ready to attend the party he was invited to go to... Then actually at the party... It is all fun and games (literally) until Monster dad comes and tells him it is time to go home... You might be familiar with the next scene: " Monster pout. Monster shout. Monster huffs and stomps about."  
The end of the book is on a happy note, but you will have to read it to find out!
Super cute book with adorable illustrations.  I did like that it is very colorful, but it isn't bright and awakening, more of a muted look.
Image Credit - Sterling Publishing 
Monster Party  (Ages 2-5) 
Monster's invited—and monster's delighted! Come and join the monster bash. There's spinning and pinning, high-fiving and jiving, and munching, crunching, and buggy-food lunching. But when it all ends, Monster must leave his fun-loving friends. There's crying and sighing—until Monster discovers a happy surprise waiting for him at home. This wacky celebration will be a hit with kids!
Annie Bach is an author, artist, and designer who has written and illustrated Night-night, Forest Friends (Grosset & Dunlap). She lives in Seattle, WA with her husband, daughter, and two pugs.


  1. This one looks so cute! I love all the monsters on the cover.

  2. My daughter went through the monster huff and pout stage and then she outgrew it. Now she's 15 and going through it again. ;)


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