It's Slinky, It's Slinky, It's a Wonderful Toy! #SlinkyDay August 30th

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


Image - Alex Toys
Did you have a slinky when you grew up???  I remember having them and wishing more than anything to have a house with stairs, just so we could play with a slinky down the stairs... Talk about a big wish.. 
Well, now here I am ... an adult... with a house with stairs... and Broxton now has a slinky to play with!  We have been having so much fun!  I remember when he got them, he was so excited!  (He was given a black one - collectors edition --- and a purple one!)    We have had hours of fun..  Letting the slinky go from one hand to the other... and then down the stairs!  We have been racing them to see who would win!
The great thing about slinky?  Not only have they been around since 1945 - they have so many different "slinky" products!    

 I will admit, I was not familiar with Slinky Dog at all --- Except that he was in Toy Story and I love that character...   So, when our box of slinky fun arrived and there was a slinky dog in it.. You best believe I had to open it to check him out!!!
He has changed since it was first introduced, with one major change being the leash.  He still has one, but it is a tiny version of what once was  --- Safety first!  
I loved that there were little rollers in his feet for hours of rolling fun with your little one!
He is made of a hard plastic material ... slinky in the middle.. leathery type soft material for his ears... and slinky type tail.  TOO CUTE!!!!!!

We were also sent a wide assortment of the fun slinky toys!  Slinky has expanded from the traditional silver one that I remember...  We were sent a collection of their "color" line and I can not wait to bust them out for Christmas gifts!  I loved the collectors edition Slinky, although I did expect it to be silver and it was black... But that was wonderful for us...   
While several toys were put up to be given later... I know that we will be having a great time playing with our toys on Slinky Day!   Did you know that you can even buy a LIGHT UP SLINKY????  What???!?!!!! Nice sales going on for Slinky Day, so check it out!  

What is your favorite Slinky toy?
Will you be playing on Slinky day?
If so, hashtag #slinkyday so I can look for you!   


  1. Oh man, I remember loving slinkys as a kid! I had a silver metal one that i'd play with on the stairs in our townhouse. I always managed to get them tangled and broken though :( I don't have a slinky now but it's neat to see that there is a slinky day!

  2. I still love the Slinky. I think they make great stocking stuffers (not that my mind is on Christmas or anything). I'd love to see that light up one!


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