Feeling Chic? Need a bit of help?

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If you are looking for a book to give this year, you might be interested in At Home With Madame Chic.  This book is a book about "becoming a connoisseur of daily life." I have tried reading it, but to be honest, I have had a hard time getting in to it. I am more into fiction these days and this just does not flow like that.  This book is broken down into sections and each section has a great deal of information.  From cleaning schedules to chic houseplants, making your workplace chic to enjoying afternoon tea. (There is even a breakdown of tea for you to figure out what might be best for you!)
I know once I am in the mood, I will enjoy this - you don't have to sit and read it all at once, just leisurely flip through it... but as I said, its been fiction or nothing for me lately.  I can't even get into magazines these days!   

Approach life at home the Madame Chic way: a beautiful, illustrated toolbox of tips and ideas for organizing, entertaining, and savoring a stylish life.
When she arrived at Madame Chic’s Parisian apartment as a foreign exchange student, Jennifer Scott was a casual California girl who thought sweatpants were appropriate street attire. Madame Chic took Jennifer under her wing and tutored her in the secrets of how the French elevate the little things in life to the art of living.
Years later, Jennifer was back in California with a husband, two young daughters, a dog, and her first home. Every day she confronted mundane duties like folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher, and she began to think about Madame Chic’s home—how the breakfast table was set beautifully the night before, the music that always played in the background, the calm of Madame and Monsieur Chic’s ritual cocktail hour together. Jennifer wanted that life. She decided to see what would happen if she didn’t perform her chores impatiently or mindlessly, if, instead, she could live like Madame Chic.
At Home with Madame Chic reveals the secrets to having a happy, fulfilling, and passionate life at home. Jennifer explains the morning send-off need not be chaotic, it’s possible to look stylish with minimal time and effort, a little forethought makes it possible to serve a home-cooked dinner every night, and details like music and scented candles can set the tone for the whole family’s evening. Organized by the pleasures that can be found throughout the day, this charming, helpful book is full of ideas, playlists, recipes, beauty routines, and advice that can turn an irritating day into an enjoyable experience. 


  1. I could use some chic in my life. Not for the tea though, I've got that one down. ;)


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