Need a Stocking Stuffer? Try out @CapriClear

The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

There is no point in trying to hide the fact that I know nothing about how eczema feels... All I know is that when Broxton starts to have a flare up, it is painful to see it on him... and with some lotions / potions, it makes him cry and yell that it is burning him.  I have no clue, so I just try to see what works the best for him.  During the summer, it isn't really that bad anymore, but I do notice that I lotion him up all the time...   I try to do so in the winter too, but he is so busy all the time, that he doesn't want to slow down to let me try and prevent it.  We were recently sent a new (to us) product to try and it has been a hit around here!   It is CapriClear and it is a coconut oil.  I love it because I don't notice any scent... and it is super easy to apply!  It comes in a spray bottle... just spray it on him, rub it in and he is off playing again!   He loves it because it makes his skin feel good!  Happy boy, happy mama!  
If you have dry skin ---  or know someone that has eczema, why not buy this and give it a try?  (Makes a great "stocking stuffer!")  


Made with 100% fractionated coconut oil, this all-natural, paraben-free treatment combats dry, flaky, irritated skin, making it soft and silky.  Conceived by a dermatologist, fragrance-free CapriClear is an exceptionally pure, gentle and effective single-ingredient solution for even the most sensitive skin.  It also has the eczema seal of approval and is safe for the entire family.  Plus, it results in soft, silky skin.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE CapriClear! Their travel size is great for stockings!

  2. I'd love this. I like that it's free from a lot of nasty chemicals.

  3. I think anything that works this time of year (winter here ;) ) is worth trying if you're got a need for it. My skin always gets dry, tight, and itchy in the winter.


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