My experience seeing #StarWars The Force Awakens - #NOSPOILERS

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Let me tell you what happened here!!!
I was invited to go to an advance screening of Star Wars : The Force Awakens and of course I said yes.  I do need to admit something first.  I was never really a Star Wars fan.  I know who the characters are because my husband and my son are HUGE FANS.  So, when I was invited I decided that I might need to watch the others so that I knew what was going on.  There was a debate over the order to watch.  4,5, 6 and then 1, 2, 3.... or just 1,2,3,4,5 and then 6.  We decided that I would start with 4 and go... I never got around to 1,2 and 3.  (I was told that it wasn't that big of a deal to miss those before seeing number 7.  What do you think?) 
I was so excited to go see it, HELLO... it was before anyone else, I could not pass it up!  We got there and after a big security check (no phones, nothing with bluetooth) we went in to see the movie!  
It was AMAZING... and then BOOM- the Power Went out.  We sat there for what felt like ages, no phone meant I had no watch!  Someone said it was around an hour... then it came back on.  All of us were immediately sucked back into it and then BOOM-  AGAIN with the outage. It wasn't out as long this time, but still ...  ugh... The movie starts again and we are all stoked to see it. (Mind you, this is a theater with media personnel, bloggers, movie critics and more)   BOOM-  OUT.  This time there were words yelled that I can not write on here. People were livid.  It gets better... we were told there was only 3 minutes left in the movie... 
Yes, that is right.  I was one of the first to get to see it and I did not get to see how it ended!  
Now, let me tell you this...
It was NOT the theaters fault.  It was completely due to Georgia Power. (Needless to say that they are on a bunch of lists this year, if you catch my drift!)  
On to the "review" of the movie...
I will NOT be giving any spoilers, so don't you worry.
That being said, I really feel as though I will have a hard time telling you about it, as each scene in the movie is absolutely amazing and I feel as though you MUST see each part.  You need to get there early and get your drink and snacks, go to the bathroom... whatever you need to do.  As soon as the movie starts, you are immediately sucked in.  It is filled with scenes that make you laugh, make you tear up.  It has love, it has action... It has a bit of it all and again... AMAZING!!!   I think that original Star Wars fans will be happy with this one and I know that this will have many new fans!  How do I know that?  Well, it is because I am one!!!   It was great seeing some of the original characters (perfect for old and new fans) but I loved that they introduced a whole new group for everyone to love and hate.  For me?  I am a huge fan of Rey. 

I guess having a daughter has opened my eyes up to more of the role of females in movies these days. As a female, I should have noticed more myself, but now I seem to pay more attention.  Rey has the attitude and drive that many will enjoy.  I will go so far as to say that Rey is my favorite character. There is something about her and I am sure that I am not alone in this decision!
Another thing about this movie?  The action. Having a 6 year old son, I know he is going to love all of the action scenes.  (I am thinking we might need to see this in 3D at some point.)  I also noticed that in this movie there seemed to be so many parts that I literally laughed out loud at.  I don't remember that much in the originals, but I also feel as though I was watching the originals to be prepared.  (Note, I do not think you have to be a die hard and pass any quizzes to enjoy this one.  I personally feel that even if you have not watched them, or if it has been ages, you will still enjoy this one.)  I know that this really doesn't tell you anything about the movie, but I feel as though you need to see it to experience it.  I don't want to ruin a single thing!!!!
Okay, so what am I saying?
This movie is AWESOME!  Perfect for date night, family movie night or just solo.  I know with the original movie you have people that remember seeing it in the theater and it being a key part of their childhood...  I totally see this being the same for the younger generation now!  

Do you have your tickets yet?  Are you planning to go?  Give me your thoughts!  


  1. Sounds like quite an adventure to say the least with the movie! We plan to see it the week after Christmas. We are really looking forward to it!

  2. It was so good! I love the acting in it. They all did a great job. It has the feel of the older ones, but more of a modern vibe.


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