
Showing posts from 2020

Remember to Smile #Review #COVID19

One thing is for certain, COVID 19 changed so many things about life as we once knew it.  Now, instead of asking the kids if they have their school work and what not, you have to make sure to ask if they have their mask.  Masks are required for transportation to/from school, as well as in classes.   We wear them at work, but ours are provided to us.  One thing I do miss?  Seeing people smile!   I smile with my eyes and notice others too, but a big ol' toothy grin can melt hearts!    FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. Enter Remember to Smile (978-0578745497, $12, available now), McDonaldā€™s new full-color childrenā€™s picture book for kids ages 2-6 years old that describes and illustrates the di...

Still giggling with funbooks from @skyhorsepub @skyponypress

For some reason, both of these wild children of mine have always been into the "spooky" stories.  No, we don't watch horror movies or anything, but they do get giggles from trying to scare each other.  They also like to talk about ghosts and monsters and it is funny to see that they don't have to be scary, but they can be silly and crazy just like everything else.   FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. Boo! Boo! Boo! It's Halloween night and the ghosts are out of the shadows and ready to scare! One by one and then two by two, the ghosts float through the neighborhood having some fun. Seven by seven and eight by eight they cause a fright for everyone they meet! Count from one ghost to ten ghosts on this silly and spooky Hal...

Ripley's Aquarium Mascots Have Books!!!! #Review

As I have said on numerous occasions, we love books because of the places you can go in a book. Some can be silly, some can be serious.  Some are for kids, some are for older children and then others for more mature.  Either way, there is a book out there for everyone!  Ripleys Aquariums has released 2 books based on their mascots! Perfect for giggles with the littles!  This would be great to buy and then include tickets to go and visit a Ripley's location!   FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. A teddy bear has fallen into the ocean, but there were witnesses. And they want the teddy bear. Join Sharkee and his sassy sidekick as they search for the bear, stopping to ask all sorts of marine animals along the way wi...

What are you reading? @SterlingBooks has a book for you! #Review

The older you get, hopefully you fall in love with reading more and more. I hope that both of my kids keep their love of books for their whole lives.  Books can take you on the greatest journeys!  We take books when we go on trips, we take trips when we read books!  We give books as gifts and you better believe that we pretty much have books in every room of our house!   Books are beautiful additions, just like the flowers pictured below!    FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. - Ages 8-12 OVERVIEW Journey back to 1939 Harlem in this time-travel adventure with an empowering message about believing in yourself and persevering. Eleven-year-old Ailey Benjamin Lane, a gifted dancer, is certain that he'll land th...

Send A Note with @Cardthartic #Review

If you know me personally, or have been reading this for a while, you know that I love cards/ snail mail.  My mom started that long long ago and here we are years later... and I still love them. I love sending cards and for sure love getting cards!   When I turned 21, my mom made it a point to reach out to all sorts of people through the years and had everyone send me cards... I got so many and sat there reading each one, enjoying the fact that they took the time to send me a card and for that brief moment I got to spend thinking of each of them... sort of how I feel at Christmas time!    When I found out about CARDTHARTIC,  I knew I would love their cards!  They have them for all occasions!   FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT infl...

Pamper with smiles using @MyMasqueBar #hosted

I know that I am not the first and I won't be the last to say that this year has thrown many a curve ball our direction.  I have had highs and lows... but one thing I am really working on is TAKING TIME FOR ME! Maybe that isn't a huge deal to some, but to me, it is something I tend to push to the back as I want to make sure my kiddos have everything they want or need... but that isn't always fair.  I have started to do a few "little" things that are just for me, because I feel that when I am the best of me, I can give and be the best for them! Just what am I doing?  Watching TV shows for ME :)  Reading books for ME ---  and PAMPERING myself now and then!  I have seen these cute masks before, but never bought them.. but you can guarantee I will in the future!  FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product test...

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood... #MisterRogersNeighborhood #hosted #Review

Update - For some reason, I was feeling a bit nostalgic and wanted to watch Mister Rogers' Neighborhood this weekend.  Maybe its the fact of simpler times (in a time when we need his words of wisdom more than ever.)  All I know is that I put it on and Savannah immediately said she did not want to watch it.  I went on about my plans and about half a minute into the show, she was once again glued to the screen.  It hit my heartstrings and I even had to post a small clip on my Instagram.  We ended up watching several episodes this morning and I am pretty sure that was just what I needed today!    When I was a child, my parents both worked and I went to daycare.  I can clearly remember us sitting to watch TV each afternoon while we waited for our parents to pick us up.  We would watch tv and they would call us one by one to wash our hands and face and fix our hair after a long day of learning and playing.. but what I also remember was watching Mi...

Summer Reading brings great books back off the shelf... #Hosted

National Read a Book Day had us reading several books around here.  When Broxton was younger, he LOVED to read... but it seems like his love has changed from reading to video games these days and I hate that for him. ( Any suggestions?)  Savannah says she "hates to read" but as soon as I grab a book she sits there and eagerly turns the page and tries to help me read... I really hope that both of them love to read as much as I do, one day!    FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. Night Night, Groot By Brendan Deneen   Illustrated by Cale Atkinson It's been a long day for baby Groot and he's ready to be tucked in for bed. Just as his eyes start to close, Rocket Raccoon bursts onto the scene! Groot can't go to sleep ...

Javi's Alfajpores is a perfect treat #review #ad

Have you ever heard of alfajores? It was new to me when I received an email introducing them to me...     but I am glad I gave it a try!  We were sent several to try... along with Dulce De Leche.  YUM!!!!! Alfajores:  (From Wikipedia)  An alfajor or alajĆŗ is a traditional confection found in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Andorra, Spain, Venezuela, Southern France, Southern Brazil and the Philippines. The archetypal alfajor entered Iberia during the period of al-Andalus. It is produced in the form of a small cylinder and is sold either individually or in boxes containing several pieces. Dulce De Leche : (from Wikipedia)  Dulce de leche is a confection from Latin America prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a substance that derives its flavor from the Maillard reaction, also changing color. Dulce de leche is Spanish for "candy of milk " FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product...

Army Aviation Museum on Dothan Alabama @visit_dothan

If you know my boy, you know I have raised him to be thankful and appreciative of our military.  When I found out there was an Army Aviation Museum near Dothan, I knew that I would do anything in my power to get him there to see what all was inside.  The first day, we got there and it was almost closing time, so we planned to go back the next day.  Seeing his excitement and interest in everything made it totally worth while... but let me just tell you ...  This is not like any musuem I have been in before!  It was awesome!   He was so excited to check it all out!   This was the Hall of Heroes.  No, I don't need any comments on her mask.. We were constantly trying to fix it for her, this was when we first got in side.  I thought this was so cool. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOT AIR BALLOONS... and I had no idea they were first used in the military!   One of the first planes.  She was excited as she thought the map of the museum ...

Short Trip to Dothan, Alabama @visit_dothan

Let me tell you about a little trip I took the kids on recently.   We had planned to go on 2 different vacations this year, but COVID had other plans.  We ended up taking a short over night trip, just to get a change of scenery for the kids and I... and lucky for us, my mom decided to join us!  I don't know of every going to Dothan and hanging out, but it was a fun little trip.   We loaded up and started our journey with a much needed family break planned.  We went not really knowing much about Dothan, but we wanted to see what it was all about.   Once we got to Dothan, we took a visit to the Botanical Gardens.  It was outdoors and we were the only people there, so it was great.  They were doing things on the honor system, so we paid at a cash box and was able to stroll around and enjoy at our own pace... It was hotter than I don't even know, so we didn't stay as long as I would have liked.  BUT .. it was beautiful.  ...

Look, See the Farm - #SummerReading #ad

Another book to share with you is Look, See the Farm. I thought that this was going to be more of a see the cow, it moo's.  See the duck, it quacks kind of book.  I was wrong!  This book talks about the different birds on the farm.  We have a couple bird feeders / bird houses in our yard, so this is a fun one for us!  The illustrations are great!    FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. Press Release:  Look, See the  Farm !  is the heartwarming story of two sisters visiting their grandparentsā€™ organic  farm  during each of the four seasons, discovering the many interesting creatures that make the  farm  their home. Young readers will gain a look at  farm  life an...