Blogger Challenge Day 15

Day 15 — A person you admire

Who is a person I admire?
I really do not know about this one...
So, I throw it out to YOU...


  1. I admire my sisters. They are each wonderful moms who balance working and motherhood.

  2. the more i think about it...
    there are so many people i do admire..
    my mom, for working and putting up with me...
    i KNOW my teenage years were trying on her...
    My dad for being the best daddy in the world
    ALL of my grandparents for surviving what all they have been through... and todays world as well...
    more than admire...
    i have a huge amount of RESPECT for them all.

  3. Exactly - tooooooo many people I admire for one thing or another like you for example. You're hubby in the service & you're there holding down the fort & raising dem kids all by your lonesome! Ya got guts lady! Now, there's something at my blog that's really sweet, and definitely cool just for you.

  4. I admire a lot of people but mostly I admire my deceased grandmother. She was loved by a lot of people ( she worked with the families of fallen police officers) and was said to be able to tell someone off in the most respected of ways. I miss her and admire how even through her trying times of cancer she was still there to put a smile on anyone's face. Love this question :)


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