I was recently contacted by My Heritage to see if I would check out and review their site.
To be quite honest, I would love to learn about my family heritage, so I thought...
Yes, I would love to check it out.
HA! I did not know it was going to suck me in and I am now hooked!

Have you heard of this site?
Have you been sucked in like me?

I have not left the celebrities and fun site yet...
They have where you can see celebrity look alikes..
Todays Best
Weeks Best
Best of all time

It is so funny to me how spot on some of these people are...

Of course, I wanted to try it out.

The first thing I did was the Baby Look Alike Meter.
Talk about fun!
You upload a picture of yourself.
Then you upload a picture of your spouse.
Last, upload a picture of your baby.

You move them to slots according to : Mommy, Daddy, Baby.
Give it a minute to generate and then a meter pops up telling you who the baby more resembles.
I was DYING to try this out.
I think Broxton looks like a mixture of both of us.

Others see Marc and only Marc.
"He looks just like his daddy. Spitting image."
Um, excuse me... I helped out in this process!

So, what did it say?
It said Broxton was EQUAL PARTS of both of us.
Just yet another piece of evidence that proves I am right! :)

I really like this one!
I will be playing it more with other pictures to make sure it doesn't change as he gets older...
You know, they just grow so fast these days!

While I was there curiosity got the best of me..
I had to do see what celebrity I resemble.

I am not going to lie..
I was scared at who it would say I looked like...
It gave me several good ones!
So, that was fun too!

Head on over and check out the baby look alike meter!
You know you want to!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


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