One Hand, Two Hands - Book Review

Broxton and I have been reading the children's book, One Hand, Two Hands by Max Lucado.
I really enjoy reading this to him!
It is adorable and of course, written for a child to understand.

Like Mr. Lucado says, from the time we are born...
Your child began to learn about hands...
Think about it..
Hands are what feeds them, loves them, cleans and comforts them...
and if you really watch a little one..
Remember when they first "see" their hand?
Talk about hours and hours of just pure amazement!
Do you remember?

I think the best one is " Wipe tears. Give a gift. Write Grandma a letter. With hands and a hug, we make people feel better."
Sure, he talks about the clapping and snapping and all of that too...
but he also talks about all the wonderful ways we use our hands in life.

This is a great book to add to your little ones library.
I also think that this would make a great baby shower gift.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I like this book, too! I really like the illustrations.

  2. I liked this book too. I didn't understand all the times the letters were bolded.

  3. I haven't yet seen this book. My son loves books. He is 4 but he doesn't mind any books but he prefers ones that he can understand..He is always getting his books out that he has had and I have been reading to him since he was a year old. I will have to look into this book.

  4. My children need all the help they can get in the kindness department. This is a wonderful review and we are off to buy the book now!


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