Yantra Mat- relaxation!!!! - Review

Are you tired?
Have a headache?
Just want to rest and relax?

Then YOU need a Yantra Mat.

We received the Yantra Mat and I was a bit intimidated by it...
I mean, I opened it up... and there were tons of these little "spikes" sticking out!
They are not soft and cushy, they are hard and get "to the point!"
It says that you can place a thin sheet on it if it is to much in the beginning, but I was not so sure.

So, I waited.
Then, I had Marc try it out!
He put the sheet on it, but neither one of us thought that would do any good...
It seemed like the pressure was really weak then.

So, he took the sheet off.
and he laid on it.
I told him to go 10 minutes.

He did... and when he got up, I was full of questions..
How do you feel? Relaxed. I was almost asleep till you told me to get up.
Do you hurt? No.
What does it feel like? You try it.

So, I did!
I laid down...
for 10 minutes...
and I felt like I was going to die!

I immediately sat up!
I can not do this! Yes, you can... lay down.
Marc, I feel like my back is on fire... I know, lay down!

LoL... ( aren't you glad you are a fly on the wall at this house?!)
I laid back down..
I watched the clock... Stop watching the clock, RELAX!

So, I did......
The burn went away..
I felt as though I could feel every single ounce of blood rushing through my body.
Every pulse of my muscles...

I was relaxed.

It took 5 minutes to get there..
But, they are not lying!

I guess when the pressure points (previously mentioned as those spikes! lol) are touching you...
They open up all your senses.
I will post a few from their site:
No need for interest in acupressure... just lay down and the mat does the work for you.
The warmth is the blood flow, a natural response to acupressure.
There are 8,820 acupressure points on this mat.
Let me repeat that once more... 8,820 acupressure points! Yes, you read that right!

You can use the mat for the acupressure...
or you can use the back of the mat for meditation...
(Dual purpose!)

They even give you basic positions for your Yantra Mat.
We used it just on our back...
But you can also use it on your stomach, while sitting, or even on your face!
Talk about many uses!

I like our mat!
I really like that it comes in its own travel bag...
But, they even give you a travel tip.
If you are heading out of town, you can always take the foam pad insert out and just take the cover (with the spikes) place it on your mattress and rest comfortably.

I already know one person that will be getting this as a Christmas present...
Right now, when you buy 2, you even get free shipping!
(One for you... one for a gift!)

If you want to stay up to date with Yantra Mat, please follow them on facebook and twitter!
(They just ended a contest on their page... follow and see when they might do another!)

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. It does sound like it would be uncomfortable with the spikes..I would be like you and get up..lol..I would probably try it again..I wonder why it works really well (once you really give it a try)? I have to tell my hubby about this. He is always having a hard time relaxing because of stress..Might be a good thing to have if he would do it...

  2. That sounds strange but interesting. Maybe we will give this one a try.....

  3. Wow that sounds really amazing! I have heard super good things about acupressure. This seems like a nice alternative!


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