Getting Crazy here!

So, I am trying so hard to eventually get my blog to be half as good as some of those that I follow...
I have a new button...
(Thanks Bloggy Blog Designz!)

and I have just added the "Networked Blogs" widget...

With that in mind...
Please add my button to your blog!!!
(Please and Thanks!)

Also, will you join me on the Networked Blogs?
Show the love!

If you do...........
Go ahead and leave me a message here saying you did....
and then, feel free to go to ANY CURRENT CONTEST that you have already entered and give yourself a little EXTRA ENTRY!!!!


Make it a great day!!!!!


  1. Half as good? Your blog is already fabulous! Seriously!

  2. I signed up via networked blogs, and set my own blog up for it too! Thanks for the suggestion to do so.

  3. I will follow on networked blogs right now!

  4. I'm stalking you. I updated from your old button and am following network blogs :)


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