w w - my little monkey

I used to work at a sports bar...
Worked there for almost 10 years, but that is for a whole different day...
Anyways, one of the customers that used to come in was a guy named Stuart.
He was from England and he was here for a work study program with his school.
He worked at the local golf course and he would come in to eat...
We bonded and he became like a little brother to me...

I felt like I had to look after him (and his roomate) and I think I became their "American Mother."
We invited him to our wedding, but he was already back in England by that point...
Of course I told him I was pregnant...
and guess what?

He sent a gift for Broxton!!!
Yes, he sent him a couple outfits and this absolutely precious monkey!!!!!
The outfits he has long outgrown, but we will always keep...
I mean, hello...
It is from England! From Uncle Stuart!!!

The monkey... Well, isn't it just adorable!!!!
We love it and we miss Uncle Stuart!

Isn't it crazy how people can enter your life and you end up making life long friends?!


  1. Such a cute photo! Love the monkey!

    My WW is here: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2010/10/almost-wordless-wednesday-isaak.html

  2. an adorable monkey for an adorable baby!

  3. Adorable! He really is too cute! And how sweet of your friend to send a gift from England! Nice.

    Thanks for linking up!

  4. How thoughtful of your friend to send a baby gift! Especially a GUY, they don't usually think of things like that. And Broxton is ADORABLE!

    Thanks for leaving your link on my Wordless Wednesday post!

  5. What cute lil monkeys ;p and a sweet story.


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