Mark-My-Time - Review

Wow, I sure do wish I would have had this when the boys were here over the summer!

Do you have time limits for the amount of time your youngster has to read a day?
Or do you want to see how much they read a week?

The Mark-My-Time digital bookmark is your answer then!!!

This is one of the coolest things!
You get a bookmark in your choice of six colors: yellow, red, fuchsia, neon green, blue or purple...

It is plastic and is the size of a normal bookmark...
Then, at the top is a clock...

I have the yellow one...
I set the clock... (pretty easy to do, if I may say so myself!)
and then you have 2 different modes.
You can choose to set a limit...
(As in, you need to read for 30 minutes)
Or, you can set it to record each time they read so that you can see how much they read per week/day, whatever you want!

This is the coolest thing!

While the boys were here, we had them read some each day...
Of course, we said like "read for 20 minutes" and during that 20 minutes, I heard "how long has it been" about 70 times!
With the questions asked...
that eliminated about 10 minutes!

I am ordering this as part of their Christmas gifts...
That way, they can use it at home or at school...

Besides being a timer, it is also a clock!
I have used it to allow myself a countdown before going to bed...
You know how it is, you get lost in a good book and time gets away from you?
This way, you allow yourself a set time and then you stop and go to sleep!

Seriously, check it out!
What a great gift idea for book lovers of all ages...
(and for those procrastinators in ALL of our lives!)
You can order online, or look here to see where you can buy one in your area!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. This is so cool! I usually set the stove timer when my daughter reads. I'll have to check these out! Thanks! Have a great weekend!

  2. This would work so well with my 10 year old son who is a struggling reader. I bet with this he would find it a challenge and the bickering over how long he has to read would not be so bad.

    Thank you for sharing this-I will have to seriously look into these.



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