Touch The Art - Book Review

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As you know, I love reading with Broxton!
We look at the pictures, I read the story and we talk about what is on the pages.

I do not know if you know or not...
I went to an "art college."
I have TONS of "art" books.
They are packed up now, but I will share my love of art with Broxton.
There is so much to see and do, learn and discover.

That right there is why I was so excited to have the chance to review two of the "Touch the Art" books from Sterling Publishing.
We were sent "Find King Henry's Treasure" to review first.

This is a great book that shows several famous painting...
Kings, Queens, Knights and Dragons!
What a great book!
The Knight is out to get the dragon that stole the Kings jewels. Along his journey, he passes several other people of the Kingdom and as they hear the tale of the dragon, they check to make sure their items are safe.
You get to touch the velvet, feel the chains, rub the armor...
All the different textures and colors are great for conversation outside of the story.

The next book we were able to review was "Count Monet's Lilies."

Now, I love Monet, so this was a bit more up my alley. :)
But, do not let the name fool you...
The first picture is Monet, then it shows everything from Van Gogh to Degas...
I LOVED this one, as we were going over our numbers...
But, I was a bit confused...
(Sad isn't it?)

You count everything from the single lily to 9 boys.
But on the page to count 4, there was only 3 that I saw...
Then as you look, there is the fourth one, but it doesn't have the texture like the others that make you miss it at first glance!
They also skip over counting 5...
I would say that this is a fun book to read. You learn about amazing artist's, as well as learn to count with the subject in the painting!

The thing I LOVED about the Touch the Art Books?
At the end of the book, it has each painting - the title and the artist.
They also include the year of the artwork, while also including information about the artist.

I am determined to get the others in the series...
Want to know the main two I want next?
Make Van Gogh's Bed and Pop Warhol's Top.

I ABSOLUTELY, Positively, without a shadow of a doubt LOVE Van Gogh!!!!
Also, Warhol has amazing works that I can not wait to share with Broxton.

If want to share a love of the arts, while also reading and teaching...
Touch the Art would be a great pick!!!!

Now, Wouldn't It Be Nice... Under the Tree... for someone you love?!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. Good habit to start the reading early with Broxton. Kids love interactive books. These sound like really wonderful books.
    arobimom at gmail dot com


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