Cold Weather - Take care of your nose! Ocean Saline - Review

The weather outside is frightful...
Okay, I know you do not come here for me to sing.
But seriously, you know with all this cold weather...
That means you have your heat running...
That in turn dries out your nose...

Have you heard of Ocean Saline?
It is a NON Medicated SALINE Nose Spray.
I have had bad ear/nose/throat problems as long as I can remember...
Well, a few years ago, a doctor told me to make sure to always keep a thing of Saline Nose Spray for keeping my nose moist.
I buy some from time to time, but normally do not think about it until I am in pain.
Well, now I have Broxton.
We keep Saline around for him..
You know, to clean his nose...
and to keep his nose moist while we have the heat on.
I really do not want him to ever suffer like I did!

Ocean Saline Spray comes in Premium.
This is the one I use...
It is to help moisturize my nose as well as helps with flu like symptoms.
(It doesn't hurt that the doctor recommended this brand!)

Ocean Saline Spray also comes for Kids!
As I stated a minute ago...
We use this on Broxton...
He doesn't seem to mind!

Now, they also have a Complete Sinus Irrigation...
Marc used this, I am not about to...
You can use this product to "flush and irrigate" or to "mist and moisturize."
LOL, people talk about it working wonderfully, but I just don't know.
I mean, the nose spray works for me!

Just remember, Ocean Saline Spray is what will help with this bitter cold hitting everyone right now! Keep that nasal passage taken care of! :)

You can follow them on facebook as well as twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I have problems with sinusitis and heard that a neti pot might help. The thought of sticking something up my nose doesn't exactly sound like fun, but this stuff might work.
    arobimom at gmail dot com


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