W/W - We Love to Color... and be Outside

Broxton loves to be outside...
Even when it is cold out...
So, not always a good thing...
When it is time to come in, he still wants to stay...
But, it is great that we can go and color on the porch!

He loves it... and we have to lay all the crayons on a piece of paper first...
Then, he lays down...
and we color...
I love it...
and love the time I get to spend with this sweet baby!
I think this is one of my favorite pictures of him!
I love this because it shows how he has to lay out and color!!

Happy Wednesday all!!!!


  1. Braxton is soooooo cute and adorable! Love the pics, Noelle.

    Happy WW!

  2. They are always so particular about certain things - love how he is laying down and likes to have everything laid out. Allie will sit down and line all of her crayons up and it's so cute.

  3. So cute! My little one has to lay out all the colours too :o) Happy Wednesday.

  4. So cute! Mine used to be the same way.

  5. That is just too cute! You have a little Picasso on your hands!

  6. Okay, that's about the sweetest WW I've seen today! And, I WISH it was warm enough for ME to color on the porch! LOL!

  7. Cute......Who doesn't love crayons! Happy to see a youngster enjoying them.

  8. Awww..so sweet. Enjoy your time together :)

  9. So adorable. My kids love to lay out and color too!!


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