Random Thoughts

People have asked before, but why are there only 8 hot dog buns to a pack but there are 10 hot dogs in a pack?

Why can't all gas tanks be on the same side? I hate trying to remember what side for the car I am in...

Why do most apartments have their eating area's carpeted? It would be much easier if it wasn't carpet, then I wouldn't have to worry about stains as much.

Why do most apartment have peepholes on the doors, but you hardly see one on a door to a house?

Why does it seem like I can never find my sunglasses? I have two pair that have been missing for a bit & one that just recently became missing. ** Update on this... I had a NEW PAIR, that Broxton wanted to wear and then Marc stepped on and broke... So, the need for sunglasses continues!!

Why do some celebrities think they are better than everyone, yet they would not be famous without us everyday folks!

Just how much money is in one of those money trucks? Like, what is the highest amount and does it ever go completely empty?

Why are there some people that are so rich they could burn their money & never miss it, but we still have people that are homeless & kids that go to bed hungry?

Why was this Ted Williams able to have tons of jobs offered to him, but there are so many people still searching for jobs? What makes them not qualified?

Why is MTV all about showing everything BUT MUSIC TELEVISION these days?

What do I have to do to meet Ellen Degeneres? :)

Why is the UFC fight talking about "giving back to our military" and they are filming at Ft. Hood (Army Base) but all they keep showing is stuff for the Marines and Navy?


  1. If you look at your gas gauge it should have a little arrow pointing either left or right to remind us which side the gas goes in.

  2. I love all your pondering questions...now I must go off and ponder. ;)

    RTT: Head Colds and Renovations

  3. I can't stand the hot dog buns either - drives me insane!!!!


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