Why Am I Always Behind? Boba Baby Carrier Review!

Marc and I wanted to get one of those baby carriers when Broxton was born.
I thought I would love being a baby wearing moms...
You know, throw the carrier on and go about my day, having Broxton snuggled up close to me?
Well, we could not find one that we liked that we thought would work.
Sure, we saw several of them, but they seemed rather pricey for just a piece of fabric.
Also, some did not seem like they would last long with us.
I mean, Broxton was a BIG baby...
That weight limit would surely be hit earlier than most!

Now, you know...
Since he is ALMOST two..
(Next month, don't remind me... It will make me cry)
We finally found THE CARRIER.
Hey! This is one that lasts...
Also, who says we can not go ahead and start planning for baby number 2?
Nope, not pregnant yet...
but I know what we will be using!
Boba Baby Carrier!

Let me tell you what I love about this...

One - The colors.
Very much neutral based...
Mommy and Daddy can BOTH wear it with no problems!

Two - The size.
I am a big girl. SURPRISE!
Yeah, I know... you thought I was a teeny tiny thing!
No, really...
This fits me!
Yes, ME! Most of these "one size fits most" don't fit "MOST" that I know..
This does!
It is a 28 inch waist belt that goes to 56 inches!
Like I said... most everyone can wear this!!!

Three- Baby Weight
It holds little ones up to 45 pounds!
Yes, you read that right...
45 pounds!

Four- Comfort
It is SUPER comfortable.
I had Marc wear it for the post pics.
(Just because I wanted to see how cute the two of them were together!)

Five - Price!
This bad boy is only $100.
I have seen them for much higher prices!

When I put it on, Broxton laughed and laughed.
Then, he decided that it was time to play with my hair!
Mental note, next time, no ponytail!
I don't blame him..
Who wants a ponytail in your face?!
Marc said it was just like a ruck sack in the Army.
He strapped it on and he and Broxton had a great time!
After a bit, I asked if he was ready to take it off...
He wasn't!
(At this point, I am still referring to Marc!)

The Boba Baby Carrier really is great!
Let me tell you more about it:
(Some of this might make you say, DUH! But for first timers, it is things like this that you do not think about at times... )

~You can wear your baby on your front or back.
~It has foot straps so that when you are walking around with your little one in back, he/she can have a place to put their feet to rest! (I for one don't like chairs that make my feet dangle, that's why they have those bars... same thing for this carrier... just put their feet in and you are good to go.) The foot rest straps are also adjustable, so it to can grow with your baby!
~You can easily put this on by yourself, you don't have to have someone help you strap them in!
~ There is a "baby sleeping hood!" Yep! A hood so that you can cradle their head while they sleep, once they wake up, just roll it back up and snap it in place, out of the way! ( It says you can also use the hood as a "nursing cover" as well as a protective barrier from sun/wind. I am telling you, they thought of it all!)
~ It is light and compact, so it is PERFECT for travel!

I am telling you...
I will be telling everyone about this!!!
If you do not have a carrier (and you have a little one)

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I love that it's so versatile it can be used from little one to big boy and front to back!


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