Blessings Chakra Pillow - Review

Have you ever heard of the Chakra Pillow before?
I recently did...
and we all know how I am....
So, now I get to share it with you!!

The Chakra Pillow was created by Gurutej Kaur.
She is more than just the creator...
She has also helped to share her teachings of yoga and meditation.
She is an artist, a writer and so much more!

But, on to the Chakra Pillow.
There are 7 pillows to choose from.
Each have a different color and with that, a different aroma.

We had the chance to review the Blue one.
The blue is to uplift and energize.
Now, I have not done anything with mine but use it as an eye pillow.
It mentions the Chakra being for the throat and for communication.
I have enjoyed using it simply as the eye pillow.
I am sure over time I will use it as stated, but for now...
I am happy!
And when mama is happy......
Well, you know... everyone is happy!

The three things I really like about the Chakra Pillow:
One - You can use it hot or cold.
Whichever way you feel necessary for the relaxation you need, that is what you go with.
Two - You can remove the outer "pillowcase" and wash it.
They are made of silk and can be washed at home.
Most eye pillows I have seen do not allow for you to wash them so easily.
Three - The scent is a light aroma.
Nothing overbearing and nothing that bothers my nose when placed on my eyes!
Oh, I guess I should have said four things..
I also like that it is light weight and not that big, so it is perfect for those that travel!!!!

Remember Mothers Day is around the corner, this would be great if you are looking to make a pamper and relax gift basket for her!!!!
If you are interested in purchasing a Chakra for yourself or a loved one, head over to their store!
Just click HERE to order!

Please follow Gurutej on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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