I can feel my blood boiling...

This is a post to totally vent...
Just a warning...

Long story short...
Last week was total chaos.
The week before, we were noticing water outside our closet.
Last time that happened, it was the AC unit backing up...
Called the apartment, maintenance came and yes...
AC was clogged.
(This was a problem several times last year)
So, the next day, water is still there...
On the carpet.
Well, I left to take the boys home...
Marc was working...
Come home, floor SOAKING.
I went through who knows how many towels trying to dry it up...
Every single time Broxton walked on it, (he had to, it was in his way to get to his room)
He would slip and fall in the kitchen.
Called maintenance the next morning...
He comes back over...
Nope, it isn't the AC, he has no clue what it is that is causing water...
He then lifts the HOT WATER HEATER bottom up with a screwdriver...
Yep, That is the leak!
All over our floor.

He goes and gets a new one.
Drains the original, replaces with a new one.
Couple hours later, I notice... STILL no hot water.
He comes back...
Heater coil in there is not working..
Works forever and fixes it.
Our apartment smells like burnt marshmallows.

That was last weekend...
(Took place Friday through Sunday)
No, not getting better yet..

Monday -
I notice this sand looking stuff in the corner of Broxtons room..
AND the boys room...
I have no clue, call Marc in..
Is it bugs or something else?
Maybe termites.

Pest control comes Tuesday...
Yep, termites!
The pest control lady says she has to send her boss to treat it, because she doesn't do that.
I call and tell the apartment so they know..
We are under the impression that it will be resolved Thursday.
Thursday, I call the apartment.
They will call and see...
Never get a call back.
I see them and am told they will call Friday.
It is now Saturday, I called the apartment...
Oh, they never called..
They are with a client and will call and then call me back later.

Is it wrong that I am mad?
Or, my favorite word...
and Marc loves it...
I am LIVID!!!!

I mean, I am not asking if they know the schedule for when the Ice Cream Truck will be back around....
I am asking about FREAKING TERMITES IN OUR APARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are supposed to be here Monday...
Let's see...


  1. My goodness you all have really had some challenges! I hope that it will all be taken care of Monday. Termites are nothing to play around with.We had to deal with them about twelve years ago. We lived in an older farmhouse at the time and we saw some sawdust looking stuff on the floor and just a few days later there were hundreds of termites flying in the house trying to get out!

  2. I hope they show up on Monday! Not that you have anything better to do than sit around and wait for them, right? ;) Just kidding.

    Your post reminded me of a time that I got myself in a heap o' trouble for using the word LIVID to describe someone. LOL

  3. I hope you get to move soon!

  4. Wow, sorry you are having so MUCH trouble with them....crazy how people act like stuff isn't important as long as it's not in their bedroom or kitchen either....Are you going to stay there or look for a new place? I know moving is a huge pain, but this is way lax for them to be delaying upkeep like this...hope you have a better week! Angela

  5. bugger.... lol just kidding Noey! I hope they get it fixed. At one of my jobs in the past we kept have this things flying around. Larger than gnats and would bug the crap out out of us, yep termites!!! Horrible stuff to deal with at work, can't imagine at my own home!!!!

  6. Yikes!!! I'm sorry! We feel this way about Verizon!!!!


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