The Tao of Motherhood - Book Review

Mothers Day is May 8Th.
Do you have any plans?
We don't.
Not to be funny, but every day is special to me now that I have Broxton.
I love my mom and my grandmothers, but I do not know if we will be down there...
I do know they will be thought of, but they are everyday already!

If you are looking for a sweet something to get a Mother in your life...
I have a great idea for you.
This is a book that would be great for a friend that is a mother, for your mother or even for yourself!
I was able to review it and I enjoyed the read.
As you can expect, they are all short reads.
They just released the 20Th Anniversary edition.
(It was released April 11th!)
20Th Anniversary?
Something must be going right!

In the introduction, the author states:
" I hope you find inspiration here, and that your journey with your child is a joyful one that teaches you what you can here to learn."

I really enjoyed the read and the fact that it is best used (for me) during my quiet time.
Just a time for me to reflect (and enjoy) the amazing thing called Motherhood.
There are 81 messages for us to read.
I don't really know what to call them.
It isn't a story, maybe a reflection?
Several of them hit home, but I think each "message" will bring meaning for others in different ways.
Message number 27 : Knowledge
Now, that was a great one!
Another favorite? Number 23 : Stop.

I think the quote out of all I read came at the end of number 11, Empty Spaces.
"Similarly, know that your child uses your empty spaces. What you do not say resounds. What you do not do impresses."

Great words in here...
So, if you are looking for a great gift...
Birthday, Easter, Mothers Day, Baby Shower...

The Tao of Motherhood is a great book for a wonderful gift idea.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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