The "perfect" B.R.A.T. to have around - Review

I am still learning when it comes to some things about being a mommy.
I have NEVER said I knew it all...
I and KNOW I for sure never will.
Does anyone?

A month or so ago, Broxton was pretty sick.
I think I might have blogged about it, or at least, took a "bloggy break" to deal with it.
Broxton was sick, then me... Then Broxton again?
Of course, it had to happen when Marc was out of town...
Anyways, just a bit before that, I was searching for what to do when your little one is sick.

You know what I am talking about...
Not being able to hold anything at all down.
NO food or drinks...

We all know that you don't want to risk dehydration...
BUT, I was so lost...
No milk for an upset tummy, it makes it worse...
No juice for an upset tummy, it makes it worse...
Broxton refuses to even try to drink some things...

I was freaking out...
I was told there were a few things we could try...
and out of the doctors office's mouth.
"Don't forget the BRAT diet."
THANK GOODNESS I had recently read up on it, for I sure would have sounded dumb trying to figure that out!

Are you familiar with it?
B- Banana's
R- (brown) Rice
A- Applesauce
T- Toast

When Broxton gets sick, he will not eat ANYTHING.
All he wants (if anything at all) is something to drink.

Introducing -
BRAT Diet Drink!
Luckily for all of us, Greg and Ilsa Toepfer created the BRAT drink.
It is all-natural, certified organic and lactose, gluten, casein, soy and corn-free with no added sugar or preservatives.
Wait a minute, it gets better...
It comes in 4 great flavors!!!
You can try : Original, Vanilla, Cinnamon Toast, and/or Chocolate Honey.
Thank goodness that we have not needed this yet.
I have it ready to go when the time does come up, so we are prepared now!!!

BRAT diet drink is also not just for little ones...
It is great for those suffering from the flu, morning sickness and several other ailments.

You can purchase these products through the BRAT DIET DRINK website, or in select retail stores such as Babies-R-Us or Whole Foods (just to name a few.)

Please stay up to date by following them on TWITTER and FACEBOOK.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Oh yes. I know about the brat. That's what I had to do with D a week ago.

    Now this new product I will have to put on my list!!!


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