ACE - Supports Us more than you know! Review

We have been fans of Ace Brands for quite some time...
I have even had the chance to review for them before.
You know I was happy that I can share more with you!

Marc has been complaining about his knee bothering him lately.
I do not know if it is "old age" or if he might have turned it wrong at work.
Either way, he has been making it a point to put the Ace Knee Stabilizer with Dual Support on when he goes to work.

The day we received the package, he immediately put it on.
A little bit later, he was already singing its praises about making his knee feel better.
That was just sitting at the house, so I really wanted to see how it did at work.

The next time he left for work, he put it on.
You can either put your foot through this sleeve and pull it up over your knee, then wrap the straps around it...
Or you can just wrap the straps around, and the sleeve that your knee would be in is just extra fabric on the wrap.
(Did that make any sense? It did to me!)
I had to ask if he put it in the sleeve or not.
He does from time to time, but normally he doesn't.
I did notice that he makes it a point to put it on every time and he seems so much better.

Marc says that it gives him more stability and makes the knee feel stronger.
You know me, I do not like HOT, so I had to ask if it made him hot having the wrap on.
Marc says not at all!

We also were sent the Ace Ankle Support Brace.
Back in college, I broke my foot.
Well, I broke the bone that connected my ankle to my toes.
Whatever, that is for another post...
Anyways, from time to time, my ankle on that foot bothers me, so I have been using this to sort of apply pressure and it has made it feel much better!

The final product that we were sent was the Ace Self Adhering Bandage.
I remember playing with those things as a child, wrapping up pretend wounds!
Glad to see that they are still around!
I loved it back then, when I really was injured, so I am glad that I have it on hand if we need it.

I know with Marc and I wanting to join the gym and all, these will be great to have!
If you are planning on getting back in shape, don't you think they would be great for you to have as well?

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This sounds like a great way to protect yourself.

  2. I like the way they're making these now. They're so much better than they used to be.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog for the yellow theme on Friday! I love you yellow flowers!
    Ace - I wonder if it is available in South Africa?

  4. My first thought it so get one of these for dh back if they have them like that or just put something like this in a gift pack for him.

  5. Ace also has a wonderful line of wrist braces for Carpel Tunnel. They are lifesavers for me. I wear them to sleep and never have numb and buzzing hands upon awakening.Takes some getting used to--hands bound up at night but the benefits are amazing.


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