BugBand for your Summer Time Planning - Review
Truth of the matter is, we just have plenty of BUGS down here in Georgia!
We have so many mosquito's that it makes it hard to actually go out and enjoy the porch at times.
After a few minutes out there, the mosquito's have normally feasted on a buffet of sweet yummy goodness, Marc... Broxton and of course... Yours Truly!
Needless to say, our time out doors is limited!
Who wants to come in all bit up looking like we have chicken pox or something?
Who wants to come in all bit up looking like we have chicken pox or something?
I was reading information about BugBand DEET Free Bug Repellent and then I noticed...
This was made in Cartersville, Georgia!
Being from Georgia, I would LOVE to use more products from here...
Helping a neighbor out, isn't that great?!
We received the BugBand Wristband for review.
Helping a neighbor out, isn't that great?!
We received the BugBand Wristband for review.
I gave it to Marc to wear at work, but he could not do it.
The band has a very potent smell to it and Marc has extra sensitive senses!
He did try it though, but being that he put it on his wrist, he quickly took it off.
He did try it though, but being that he put it on his wrist, he quickly took it off.
(The good thing is you do not HAVE to wear it on your wrist... You can wear it on your ankle... or on your belt loop. But, with Marc's job... He couldn't.)
I told him that I think this would be a great thing with the kids...
I told him that I think this would be a great thing with the kids...
Have them all wear them on their ankle or belt loop when we go out.
Say you are going to a picnic or to an amusement park...
This would be awesome, instead of having to spray everyone down with bug spray... Just use your wristband!
Does it work?
We believe it does!
How do we know, if Marc didn't wear it?
How do we know, if Marc didn't wear it?
Well, the other night, we were outside...
and yeah, the bugs heard the buffet was open...
I came in and took the wristband outside and sat it on the porch railing.
I kid you not, I literally watched a mosquito fly away!
Yeah, we joked it would be messed up if he flew away and landed on the band...
Yeah, we joked it would be messed up if he flew away and landed on the band...
But seriously, he flew away and the rest of the time we were outside, none of us noticed any bugs!
With the wristband, you just put it back in the plastic protector and it keeps its potency until the next time you want to wear it!
They are supposedly even great for swimming.
They are supposedly even great for swimming.
For the "bigger people," you can even string them together to make a bigger band, if needed!
We were also sent the towelettes for review.
They are considered more "heavy duty" and they also prevent against ticks.
With Marc heading out for more National Guard Training, we figured we would keep these for him to try then!!!!
If you are planning any cookouts or any outdoor festivities for the Fourth Of July...
I would totally recommend purchasing BugBand Products!
Buy USA Made!!!!!
Buy USA Made!!!!!
You can click here to see where you can buy it locally as you prepare for the summer season!
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
We are seeing more and more bugs this summer. These sounds great.