W/W - Firetruck!

Broxton LOVES firetrucks.
Like, absolutely LOVES them!

Good thing for me, a friend of mine is a firefighter!
That being said...
Last time we went to my hometown, I promised him we would go see a firetruck.
That was the big lead up that week.

Broxton was super good, because he knew he would get to go...
That Saturday morning, we headed to the fire-station.
My friend, Christy came out to meet us.

She took Broxton up in the firetruck and showed him how they turn the lights on.
THEN, she let him pull the string which made the loud horn sound!!!
He was excited to see it all, but I think he was more excited to just stand and look at it all!
I think he was most excited to just get to see it, although he did like hearing the sirens and the horn!!!
After they looked inside the truck, Christy even let him put on a fire-hat!!!
(Thank goodness it was a cool one, since we quickly noticed the UGA sticker!! GO DAWGS!)
After that, we made sure to get a picture so that we have proof that MOMMY got the cool points that day!!!
Oh, we even got to go inside!
In there, we saw where they all sleep..
They even have their own kitchens where they have family style meals together!
While we were there, we also got to see them studying...
Broxton loved that he got to see them "in school!"

Great day at the fire-station!!!!
Thanks Christy!!!!


  1. That is a wonderful outing. Your pictures give a good feel of the place.

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwww Look at those two big smiles! That's one to send to Dad for sure! Woo Hoo He truly is special!

  3. So much fun!!!!!! I love your shots too.

    My brother-in-law is a firefighter, but my sister hasn't taken the boy's for a very long time. I'll have to get on her about that.

  4. Awesome pictures! Looks like you both had a lot of fun!

  5. This is every kid's dream come true! how awesome for Broxton! BTW...love the name Broxton!

  6. We were able to do this with Jack a couple of years ago and it was fun, fun, fun!! Cute pictures!

  7. How wonderful that your son was able to have that experience. I am sure he will be talking about this for a long time to come.

  8. Wow! That must be some experience! Lucky Broxton!

    Happy WW, sweetie!

  9. I have similar pics from when little man was tiny. Fun pics! Happy WW.

  10. We love visiting the trucks too. Nice pics.

  11. That's awesome! My son loves firetrucks too.

  12. Now that is dear to my heart- love it!!!!!

  13. what a nice friend to give little man such a great day! I would be excited too!

  14. nice meeting you - looks like you guys had a great day. WHen my son was that age he loved trains!


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