Expecting or Know Someone Who Is? Review

I am all about reading books...
If you have been here a few times, you might know that!

I was given the chance to review a book titled, The Christian Mama's Guide to Having a Baby.
Let me explain to you why I really like this and totally recommend it...

Because I found myself actually able to understand it!
It did not hurt that I was constantly laughing about things, as well as the "oh, I remember that!"

Now, just because the title says Christian Mama ...
Do not go thinking it is nothing but scripture.
Basically, this book tells you like it is...
And reminds you to:

Pretty simple, huh?
I know that there are tons of books out there that tell you this, that and the other...
But this is the thing...
This one tells you things as well, in "normal" language!

One section I liked was:
The Internet Resources Section.
I know that I was ALL OVER the Internet during my pregnancy...
I also recommended several sites to friends once they became pregnant.
This just puts it in a book for everyone to know!
(You know, babycenter, the bump, and wish I would have known about CAFEMOM.)

Here is a great example of how we know Erin (the author) is just like us:
She is talking about Pre-Natal Vitamins...
"My trick for remembering? I stuck the entire bottle of pills in the cookie jar as the chances of me "forgetting" to eat a cookie every day was slim to none!"

Erin even tells the absolute basics for what the baby needs...
Somewhere to sleep.
Diapers and wipes.
Properly installed car seat!
Yes, she goes on to talk about bottles, diaper bags and rocking chairs, but that was the Basic list!

For those first timers that are trying to figure it all out, she even explains registering for baby items.
As those of us that are moms, we know how much of an overload becoming a mom can be...
(She even gives a list of websites that you can use to help you in picking a baby name!)

I think that Erin helps us all to know that we can do it...
God chose us and we just need to know He is there!

I love how Erin made this book full of information, but simple enough that we are not lost by the vocabulary!
She even dedicates a half page of must know information for the daddy to be!
(As we all know, most dads are not going to sit down and read a whole book!)

Finally, Erin gives a few last minute pointers for the reader...
A third trimester to do list...
What to pack in your hospital bag... (and what not... that is a for sure read and laugh!)

Best part for me?
The "things to have on hand at home" list.
I did not think about certain things and until friends told me, it would have slipped my mind...
(Main example... PLENTY of Pads!)

So, would I recommend this?
For anyone of your friends that are expecting...
Love this, and between you and I...
It has my clock ticking just a little bit faster than it was before I started reading it!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Hi Noelle- I just came across this and wanted to say thanks for the lovely review! Thank you!


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