High Hopes! @myhandana review

We have a walking trail near us that I keep saying I am going to work on walking on it and trying to get in shape. 
I have good intentions, but then every time you turn around,  I can find an excuse. 
That is really a bad thing, but my excuses are valid... Not just like, I don't want to do it.. but rather such and such needs to be done during that time..

I have never made New Years Resolutions before, but Marc and I have talked about it... and we have HIGH HOPES for this new year...
One of the main things is walking.  I have to start somewhere, so we plan for us to start using that walking track this year! 
I am excited about it because I have a new product that is going to make me happy.

I was sent a "handana" for review and I tell you what, not exercising yet... but it is comfy!
What exactly is a handana? 
It is a sweatband that is so much more...
It is a must have for anyone that sweats..
If you are running, biking, participating in Zumba or any other exercise...   This would be great.
I am actually not sure what the material used is, but I love that it seems to be breathable. 
I have never been one to wear anything that may make me hotter...
So, sweatbands have never been part of my wardrobe.  But also, I am not going to carry around towel to wipe the sweat off, so therefore, I had an excuse to not exercise.  Sweat in my eyes hurts, don't ya know? 
Well, this handana is changing it all! 
It is this one piece of material.  You slide your hand in.  The thumb has a spot to extend. 
Now, you are good to go... with full use of your hands...
Not only that, but it comes in several great color combinations, so you can make a statement while wearing it... We all know I am a fan of the University of Georgia... Meaning Red and Black..
Here you go:  (This image has the wearer also wearing a glove, the handanda is just the red with black trim product.)
Like this:
If you are a sports enthusiast, or know someone who is...
Or maybe you are like me and need a push to start exercising...
Grab a handana to catch the sweat you will produce once you start moving!!!!

Make sure you follow Handana on Facebook and Twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Mica needs one of those. He gets so sweaty on his head.

  2. This would be perfect the hubby, he is not one that does well in the heat. He carries a bandana to wipe sweat off his head and face. This is so much easier to use this to absorb the sweat when his hands are not able to reach into his back pocket.


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