Ultimate Screen Care Kit

Looking for a great gift for the technological person in your family?
Or maybe for the one that already has it all?

Look no further, you need to purchase them the Ultimate Screen Care Kit today!
It is basically an all in one for whoever receives it!
I will say this, I originally saw this and thought that it would be a great product to get Marc, since he is always cleaning his tablet and his smart phone.
That was until it arrived. 
Once it arrived, I knew I had just given myself a great gift!

The Ultimate Screen Care Kit really is ULTIMATE!!!!
The Kit includes:
1 – 50ml Screen Spray
1 – Screen Shammy for use on various devices
1 – Plasma Screen Cloth
1 – CD/DVD Cloth for media disks
1 – Sweep mobile cleaning pad. 
What I love about it, besides the fact that it basically has all of the items you will need is the fact that it comes in this little hard zippered case.  I have used it to clean and it gives everything the look of being brand new again!

This would be a great stocking stuffer, or a great additional gift for someone you know!
Head on over and order one today.   (You can give it to yourself, you know!)
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This would be a great stocking stuffer.

  2. My husband just got a new Smart Phone and this would be great!

  3. That sounds like something I could use for my new work computer.


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