Peggy Bank For That Hard To Buy Person

I have a product to tell you about and I am sure that some of you have been looking for this! 
I was recently made aware of a company called Peggy Bank and I have to say, it is pretty cool.

Peggy Bank takes the time to scan all of your photographs for you and upload them to an online vault for you to enjoy.
When you sign up for Peggy Bank they immediately email you a Welcome email telling you how Peggy Bank works.  Basically, they will send you a box that has everything in it that you need to prepare to move the print photo's to digital.  In that email, you will also get a link to click and set up your own Peggy Bank account. 
If you are one that doesn't want to have to lug a big box around, you can take comfort in knowing that home pick up from Fed-Ex is included in your price! 
After you set up your account, you wait for your box to arrive (shipped Fed-Ex)  then you put in whatever you are wanting to have go online... Then you log into your account and make an inventory of all that you included and what you are wanting done..  They will then send you the cost of what you are looking to do... and then you call and get Fed-Ex to come and pick up your package. 

At this point, you are finished until they email you to let you know the status on the order.

With Peggy Bank you can send in negatives you want to be uploaded online.   You can also choose to send in prints, or even vhs tapes or old reels!  They can pretty much move anything and make it digital! 

I took tons of pictures in college, and here is my age... that was before digital! 
I have many pictures that I have printed through the years and I know that my friends would love to see them... but quite honestly, I do not have the patience to sit there and manually scan each one.. (If there is a faster way, I have no clue about that either!)

I was given the chance to work with Peggy Bank and I know my friends were glad that I did.  I chose to send in pictures from college and then surprised my friends by emailing them when I had them online... Talk about a blast from the past! 

I will say that I feel as though the prices are a bit high for the photos.  It is $.45 per photo to have them scanned...  The thing is, its $29.99 to order the box.. then you have to pay the $.45 for each picture.. and then if you want the originals returned, you have to pay that as well.  I am not sure that I would do that again.. although for my grandparents or something that are not computer savvy, (nor are they online, but it would be a great way to take their OLD photographs and put them online, making it easily available for the entire family to see, or print for their own use.)
I did think that the VHS to digital was a decent price at $12.99, but I have not done any price checking to know what average rates are. 

What am I saying?
If you want to get a gift for someone who has everything they need or want... Look into Peggy Bank.  If you are like me and just don't have the patience to upload them all yourself, look into Peggy Bank.  It is a really good offer, but as I said, it is just a bit to pricey for me. 

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I had a couple of videos converted by another service...they said it would be one price, but ended up charging double by the time it was over, saying the lengths were different (but they were all full tapes, all the same time slot). I argued, but they had my originals, so what's a girl to do? I paid the fee to get my conversions and original back, but I never used them again.

    I still want my tapes converted though, so I am going to check this site out. Thanks for the honest review.


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