Wax Vac Review

I have had horrible ears my whole life.   When I was a child, my ear drum burst and I am not partially deaf in one ear.  I have had tubes numerous times as well... As recently as my adult years. 

When I saw the Wax Vac, I wanted to see if it was really all that. 
I feel as though I can not really give a true review on this as far as if it works or not. 
We received the Wax Vac for review and I quickly wanted to try it out. 
I put it in my ears, but nothing came out.  I do not know if it is because there was nothing there or if it was because it doesn't really work.   At that point, I went to the kitchen and put a few chip crumbs on the counter... The Wax Vac did pick them up..  so, I am thinking that maybe it does indeed work, but I just had nothing in my ears that needed removal.  I will admit, I do use cotton swabs out of habit and I have not been able to break the habit. 
One thing that I did like about the Wax Vac is that there is also a light on the end.
Also, it comes with several of the tips, so that way each family member can have own and it be more germ free!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This is an interesting product. One of my older boys was at a physical for the military entry and they poofed something in his ear that took out a bunch of wax he didn't even know he had, lol. He said it was weird, but effective.

    Not sure why I shared that with you, or anyone for that matter, but it is sort of related, lol, minimally. ;)

  2. What an interesting product! My daughter also has trouble with her ears and I wonder if this might help.


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