Need a Light? Panther Vision Light Up Hat Has You Covered!

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Image - Panthervision
Marc is not one to say that he "wants" much.. but when he finds something that he thinks he wants or needs, he will stay on it... until it is his..  A few months ago, he spotted a hat in a store... but not just any ballcap, it was a hat that had lights in it!  No, not some crazy looking thing, but a practical hat for those that work in dark areas.
With him working on the railroad, I thought it would be a great idea for him to have one.  (*He works crazy hours so there are times when he is working at night.)   I was contacted about a chance to review a "Panther Vision" hat and Marc was pretty excited when it arrived!!!
Of course he opened it and immediately wore it to work that night... and nights since then...
He said that the hat is not any heavier than other ballcaps and that you really would not know it was different until you press the button to light it up.  One press of a button and both of the lights come on.  He even said that several of his co-workers have mentioned that they would like to have a hat like this as well!

So- bottom line... if you need or want a light to help you see when it just is not bright enough, head on over to check out the hats available at Panther Vision!  Click over and see what all they have to say about the hat... If you are ever in a position where you need a flashlight, look at this... You will be glad you did!


  1. Oh, very cool! (I was going to say, "What a bright idea" but decided it was too obvious. LOL)

  2. Sounds like that is the perfect product because of his job! I didn't know a product like this even existed! Very neat!

  3. That's so fun to have. I'd love to go to a cave with that on.

  4. I like this idea. Perfect for my hubby who needs a flashlight to be held when working on a ladder.

  5. I would love to use it on campouts when we arrive a bit late and have to set up camp as it is getting dark. It looks nice and bright. I like that it keeps your hands free without holding a flashlight.


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