New Approach on Alphabet Cards - @Heisallboy

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I will be the first to admit that there are several words in our vocabulary that are considered "bad words"  just because I was raised that way...  Take the "F-word" for example... (shh.... fart)   When I was a kid that word was just as bad as that other f-word if you asked my grandparents...  so, not even thinking about it... I realize that these words are not to be used by my son... I know some boys like saying "nasty" words like booger and fart, but honestly... my kid brother used to get grossed out by the word "snot" so like I said, words are picked carefully around here...

I will admit, I was quite excited to get the Alpha Cards, He's All Boy package...
I thought it would be a fun way to use the alphabet cards with Broxton...   while being "all boy!"  at the same time...  What I didn't realize was that many of the words are words we don't use around here...
I thought maybe it was just me, so I asked a friend of mine that also has a 4 year old to take a look at them...   She thought it was one of those "gag gifts" that you see in party stores.  (It does say from ages 3-99 years old) on there... 

I can not be totally negative about  them though, they were of great quality.
I thought the cards were larger than most alphabet cards, so that was great ( I know several people that hang alphabet cards around the room to work with their kids... these are the great shape to do that.)
I also loved the illustrations... (Not all of the actual pictures, but the design and time it took to do them...)

My mom actually wanted to take them and give them to a friend that was turning 60+ years old as a gift, but I would not let her... I do like that they work with both the upper and lowercase letters.. on the same card...
Broxton has to say that the N card is his favorite... want to know why?
Because N is for NINJA... and NAKED.... 
Yep... He's All Boy!!!!
So - if you are not easily offended with B is for Booger  or D is for DooDoo, then this is a great gift for you...
I have a hard enough time keeping the F word out of his mouth... (He does have older brothers, remember?)  So I think this is one best not to pull out and use, but for others it would be a great gift!!!

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  1. That's kind of a crazy set. We don't say those kind of words are "bad" words. We say most of them is "potty talk" and that we don't like them to use that kind of language. Bad words to me are shi_, fuc_ and well you get the point. When boys get on a roll with potty talk, it's a hard thing to break.

  2. These are really cute cards! My oldest grandson I think is old enough to enjoy the humor. He could use these sort of like sight word cards since he already knows the letters of the alphabet.


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