Raising Boys By Design

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Having all boys around here, you would think that I would go crazy... 
I won't lie, it does get nuts around here when they visit... but, there mom does a great job of raising them, so they are good kids!!!!
I was sent a book, Raising Boys By Design for me to check out... 
I honestly have not had time to do much lately, so I have yet to read it ... ( I will be reading it in the new year... I know Broxton is a good boy, but who says you can't use a little help?!)

This was the email I received introducing me to the book....

For every girl in a correctional facility, more than eight boys are incarcerated. Boys are expelled from public school at almost three times the rate of girls. Almost twice as many boys struggle with completing regular schoolwork and proper behavior in school as opposed to girls, and they make up 80-90% of discipline referrals to the principal.
In a culture that is questioning the very designation of gender, family counselor Michael Gurian, noted for his expertise in brain science, collaborates with Christian psychologist Dr. Gregory Jantz to boldly declare that boys have distinct needs--God-designed needs--that must be addressed and appreciated if they are to flourish into adulthood in Raising Boys by Design: What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal About What Your Sons Need to Thrive. 
Seeking to help parents understand why so many boys are struggling, the authors offer a practical resource for the difficult modern issues that parents face in raising boys, such as how to healthily monitor the influence of technology, the different roles that mothers and fathers play inraising sons, and how to develop healthy sexuality in boys and young men. The authors show differences between the brains and biochemistry of boys and girls and explain discover how to integrate scientific information into a biblical framework as parents and educators create and execute an effective plan for preparing boys for adulthood.

Now, can't you see why I want to read it?!
If you have any sons, you might want to take a look at this book...  


  1. This is a good book, and I wish I'd read it when my son was younger. You'll get even more from it than I did. :)

  2. I've wanted to check that book out! I have another book about raising boys called Raising Cain. I've started it, but like you I run out of time to read!

  3. I'll have to tell my daughter about this book! I raised two daughters, but one of my daughters now has two sons. And I don't know the first thing about raising a boy!


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