The Magic Christmas Key @WendellAugust

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As a mom, I am always learning about new trends and products daily... 
A bit ago, I learned of The Magic Christmas Key...
I had never heard of it before and I tell you, I am so excited that I was made aware...

The Magic Christmas Key is more than a key... and more than a book...
The Magic Christmas Key is a new tradition getting ready to start at our house!!!
This book tells the story of a little boy that spots a Magic Key while out with his grandfather.  He asks his grandfather about it and is given the special key, as long as he BELIEVES in the Magic Of Christmas...  He is told to guard the key with extra safety, as it can cause trouble if in the wrong hands...  

The story line of it all is that with the Magic Key, Santa can enter a house no matter what... 
No chimney? No problem!
Fire lit in the chimney?  No problem!  
Not going to be at your house and worried Santa wont know where to bring your gifts?  No problem!
Santa eat a few too many treats?  No problem!
Worried about leaving the front door unlocked?  No problem!!!
With the Magic Key, Santa can enter anywhere... and then he just leaves the key on the tree for you to keep until next year!!!  Wondering about losing the key?  No need, it is larger than regular keys, as it is over 5 inches long!

Honestly, Broxton has been a bit nervous about how Santa was going to get in our house...
Now, he seems so much more at ease.. and let me tell you...
NOTHING is sweeter than when you hear your little one say " Mama, I believe in the Magic of Christmas!" 

I loved the story behind the Magic Key, but I will admit...
The book was a bit - to - long - for us...
Broxton kept wandering around and then coming back to see what was going on...  
I think older kids would sit and listen to the whole thing, but for a 4 year old, he lost interest about
halfway through the book.  

The great thing is that you can purchase just the book, just the key... or the book and key as a set.
I think it would be neat to buy the key now, for younger kids... and then buy the book later when they are older... unless you don't mind buying the set and just leaving the book for later years.  If you do choose to buy the book/key combo set, it does come in a keepsake box, so you can easily pack it away for storage the next Christmas season!  Broxton has loved flipping through the book, he just was not that big of a fan of sitting there and listening to me read it...

If you are interested in joining us and starting your own Magic Christmas Key...
You can purchase this at select Wendell August Stores, select specialty shops and even select Bed Bath and Beyond stores!  

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  1. It reminds me of the secrete garden with that special key.

  2. I love that it comes with the key. This sounds great for the older kids, thank you for sharing, it's unique and I like it very much!

  3. Cute idea! For younger kids, you might have to read just a few pages each night.


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